EcoFlex 36 MEA plaque analysis

1. Prepare folder with files with signals. AT the moment only 32 (6×6 without corners) EcoFlexMEA36 plaque template is implemented (please request other templates if needed – we are happy to add your custom plaque). Folder should contain 32 files – one file per electrode. Each file should contain such data:


2. In app, go to Templates->EcoFlexMEA 36 plaque->Load folder with signals:


3. Navigate to the folder and after selecting it, click Ok. If import was successful, such result should appear:


4. First step in annotation, is dragging reference bar (green vertical line) so that Region of Interest (ROI) (dark gray area behind reference bar) encompasses all activations. REMEMBER: to drag reference bar press Ctrl on keyboard, hold it, and then drag the bar. In our example reference should be dragged here:


5. Now, LAT (Local Activation Time) map will appear:


6. Scroll through all data points to make sure annotation is correct. (repositioning red annotation bar if necessary).

7. Calculate propagation velocity map: 


8. [OPTIONAL] Remove corners/non contact areas:

(this operation can be restored, “Restore removed surface” feature just below the one removing surface).


9. So now all preparations are complete and it’s time to extract statistics:


Table will appear with all stats for each variable (LAT, amplitude, depolarization velocity):


10. In order to calculate Conduction Heterogeneity Index, select current value to be LAT and in menu select:


Histogram of local gradient of LAT variable will popup with calculated CHI value:

Histogram is calculated so that one count is per one data point/vertex. Value (gradient) is calculated as a (max-min) of all surrounding points divided by the distance.



1. It is a good practice to have rule in naming data folders/workspace files. For example: “Animal=3 PacingCL=200 Group=4”. Then, it will be easy to create categories from each result data grid. 

2. To speed up data import, you can put all data folders (with .dat files) into one and use this feature: 

This feature will process all sub-folders creating workspace files per each folder.