EPLab Research Works app is an open source (under MIT license, so free for any type of use) application developed to assist medical research in area of cardiac electrophysiology

The main focus of the app is quantification of 3D maps of the heart (constructed using mapping systems such as CARTO, NavX and Rhythmia). 

It can provide simple stats (e.g. mean voltage of anterior LA segment) and can perform signal processing (e.g. calculating EGM duration or fractionation index).

Import of the data from the most popular electroanatomical mapping systems (CARTO, NavX Precision, Rhythmia) and acquisition systems (Bard, Sensis).

Manual segmentation of the chamber surface into predefined segments.

Quantification of the surface area of each variable according to predefined thresholds.

Several methods for automatic local deflection annotation.

FFT analysis: estimation of dominant frequency, regularity index and organization index.

AF cycle length statistics based on peak detection, wavelet analysis and sinusoidal recomposition.

Semi-automatic “nuclear” LV segmentation

Spatial co-registration of CT/MRI geometry with electroanatomical map. Read more here.

Electrogram duration estimation

Export for 3D printing (binary stl format with color)

(screenshot from MeshLab app used for mesh refinement before 3D print)

And much more!